Working with us

We will take the time to get to know you, understand your objectives, and offer you opportunities consistent with your long-term career goals and aspirations. This may be during a time when you are unhappy in your current position, or maybe unemployed, but sometimes the best opportunities come along when you are not even looking for a change.

We’ll want to learn the following about you:

  • Current position

  • Skills

  • Objectives

  • Motivations and reasons for making a change

  • Salary, both current and desired

  • Significant quantifiable accomplishments

  • Specific companies of interest

  • Current status of your search

  • Critical timing factors

We’ll offer you valuable information and advice on how to prepare for your interviews.  We want to develop a sense of trust and confidence by having an open dialogue with you to discuss your concerns, and both positive and negative feedback from a client. We will also act as an objective sounding board throughout the process based on our years of experience as recruiters and as business professionals.

Our process

  • Discuss your background and career goals

  • Discuss the job opportunity in detail

  • Evaluate your resume and make modifications if necessary

  • Present your background to our client

  • Prepare you for the interview with the client

  • Provide you with ongoing feedback and support during the interview process, including preparing you for later rounds and ensuring a smooth process

  • Assist you in negotiating the best possible offer and compensation package

  • Advise you on transitioning to your new role, including resignation, dealing with counter-offers, and getting off to a successful start